Rochelle Goldberg –

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Rochelle Goldberg, Intralocutor, “Do you believe in good and bad?”, 2017, glazed ceramic, steel, wood, plaster, plastic, fibre-optic LED wire, plexi resin, 68 x 25 x 25 in. (171 x 64 x 64 cm). Installation view, Intralocutors, Miguel Abreu Gallery, New York, USA, 2017
Rochelle Goldberg, Intralocutor: “Do you believe in good and bad?”, 2017, glazed ceramic, steel, wood, plaster, plastic, led wires, power transformer, 68 x 25 x 25 in. (171 x 64 x 64 cm). Installation view, Waves and Waves, Oakville Galleries, Oakville, 2019

Rochelle Goldberg, Intralocutor, “Do you believe in good and bad?”, 2017, glazed ceramic, steel, wood, plaster, plastic, fibre-optic LED wire, plexi resin, 68 x 25 x 25 in. (171 x 64 x 64 cm)