Judy Radul – Works

Judy Radul, Man’s Hands (Words No Pictures Pictures No Words), 2018, custom camera-motion control and live-video presentation system, custom made and programmed page-turning machines, two artist magazines, two programmed kinetic sculptures, decommissioned theatre curtain, stools, styrofoam, dimensions variable

Judy Radul, Good Night Vision, 2013, live performance with thermal cameras and screens, Turning Point Ensemble performing Berceuse élégiaque by Ferruccio Busoni, 20 minutes, 34 seconds

Judy Radul, Object Analysis Spectator Poem (Camera) (detail), 2012, painted copper, camera, tripod, colour photograph, camera: 57 x 26 x 23 in. (145 x 65 x 58 cm), photograph: 8 x 10 x 7 in. (20 x 25 x 18 cm)

Judy Radul, Man’s Hands (Words No Pictures Pictures No Words), 2018, custom camera-motion control and live-video presentation system, custom made and programmed page-turning machines, two artist magazines, two programmed kinetic sculptures, decommissioned theatre curtain, stools, styrofoam, dimensions variable

Judy Radul, Warmer Than The World Around Us, 2023, looping video projections of thermographic recordings, PVC screens, 3D printed historical thermodynamic model, faux grass houseplant, lamp, office chairs, glass, painted wood and MDF, dimensions and durations variable

Judy Radul, Show Support, 2019, custom controlled live video camera system, historical plinths from Albertinum collection, bases painted in highlighter pen colours, dimensions variable

Judy Radul, Show Support (Front and Back), 2019, archival inkjet print on aluminum, 31 x 53 in. (78 x 134 cm)

Judy Radul, Kings Never Touch Doors, 2017–2019, fabric panels, pressed glass, “Dedicated to Swinging Thoughts” artist’s magazine, glass shelf, dimensions variable

Judy Radul, Man’s Hands (Words No Pictures Pictures No Words), 2018, custom camera-motion control and live-video presentation system, custom made and programmed page-turning machines, two artist magazines, two programmed kinetic sculptures, decommissioned theatre curtain, stools, styrofoam, dimensions variable

Judy Radul, Reading Pavilion for Cover to Cover, 2018, aluminum, plywood, steel, glass, composite panel, foam, stainless steel chain, two copies of Cover to Cover by Michael Snow (The Press of Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, Halifax and New York University Press, 1975), 95 x 90 x 195 in. (241 x 229 x 498 cm)

Judy Radul, Connector Divider (Hawks, Sparrows, Pigeons, Doves, Ducks, Eagles), 2018, salvaged glass, aluminum, found ceramic figurines, microphone stands, 82 x 96 x 231 in. (207 x 244 x 587 cm)

Judy Radul, End of the Autopsy (Brain and Boot), 2018, inkjet prints on paper, frames, diptych, each 32 x 22 in. (85 x 56 cm)

Judy Radul, End of the Autopsy (Human, Goat, Manatee), 2018, inkjet print and cosmetics on paper, frame, 32 x 22 in. (85 x 56 cm)

Judy Radul, End of the Autopsy (Three Brains and a Boot – Wombat, Lion, Human), 2018, inkjet print on paper, frame, 32 x 22 in. (85 x 56 cm)

Judy Radul, The Book of Glass, 2017, multimedia installation, live cameras (HD teleconferencing cameras) with custom control system for camera choreography recording and playback, dimensions variable

Judy Radul, Remains of the Thief, 2017, plexiglas, 1988 Hanuman edition of Jean Genet’s What Remains of a Rembrandt Torn Into Four Equal Pieces and Flushed Down the Toilet, chain, 1990 English edition of Jacques Derrida’s Glas, 1990 edition of Mohamed Choukri’s Jean Genet in Tangier, 19 x 23 x 7 in. (47 x 58 x 17 cm)

Judy Radul, Closeup, The Breakdown, 2015, monitors, high definition colour pan/tilt/zoom cameras, computer, switcher, converters, dimensions variable

Judy Radul, Look. Look Away. Look Back, 2014, custom camera control system, live cameras, prerecorded video (shot on location in the South Sea collection of the Ethnological Museum Berlin), video, monitors, display cases, dimensions variable

Judy Radul, Good Night Vision, 2013, live performance with thermal cameras and screens, Turning Point Ensemble performing Berceuse élégiaque by Ferruccio Busoni, 20 minutes, 34 seconds

Judy Radul, A CONTAINER CONTAINING NOT ONE TV, 2013, powder coated steel, CRT television, 2 flatscreen televisions, local television signal, remote control, two live video cameras, maxmsp patch, dimensions variable

Judy Radul, EXHIBITION INVITATION, 2013, mirror, black and white photocopy on green paper, dimensions variable

Judy Radul, VIDEO STILL, 2013, colour photograph, steel brace, Gulf War Era TV: David Lynch on David Letterman, $100,000 Pyramid, Bob Simon calls CBS from Saudi Arabia, January 16, 1991, dimensions variable

Judy Radul, Object Analysis Spectator Poem (Bicycle), 2012, painted copper, bicycle, colour photograph, bicycle: 38 x 26 x 58 in. (92 x 66 x 147 cm), photo: 8 x 11 x 5 in. (20 x 28 x 13 cm)

Judy Radul, Object Analysis Spectator Poem (Bottle), 2012, painted copper, green glass bottle, colour photograph, bottle: 13 x 4 x 4 in. (32 x 9 x 9 cm), photo: 8 x 11 x 5 in. (20 x 28 x 13 cm)

Judy Radul, Object Analysis Spectator Poem (Bust), 2012, painted copper, clay bust, colour photograph on angled mount, bust: 14 x 9 x 9 in. (36 x 23 x 23 cm), plinth: 41 x 9 x 9 in. (104 x 28 x 23 cm), photo: 8 x 11 x 5 in. (20 x 28 x 73)

Judy Radul, Object Analysis Spectator Poem (Camera) (detail), 2012, painted copper, camera, tripod, colour photograph, camera: 57 x 26 x 23 in. (145 x 65 x 58 cm), photograph: 8 x 10 x 7 in. (20 x 25 x 18 cm)

Judy Radul, Object Analysis Spectator Poem (Chair), 2012, painted copper, chair, colour photograph, chair: 33 x 18 x 18 in. (84 x 46 x 44 cm), photograph: 8 x 12 x 3 in. (20 x 29 x 8 cm)

Judy Radul, Object Analysis Spectator Poem (Conch), 2012, painted copper, conch, colour photograph, 40 x 11 x 10 in. (102 x 28 x 25 cm), conch: 7 x 11 x 8 in. (18 x 28 x 20 cm), plinth: 40 x 11 x 8 in. (102 x 28 x 20 cm), photo: 8 x 10 x 7 in. (20 x 25 x 18 cm)

Judy Radul, Object Analysis Spectator Poem (Fan), 2012, painted copper, fan, colour photograph, 8 x 12 x 3 in. (20 x 29 x 8 cm), fan: 59 x 23 x 18 in. (150 x 58 x 46 cm), photo: 8 x 12 x 3 in. (20 x 29 x 8 cm)

Judy Radul, Object Analysis Spectator Poem (Heater), 2012, painted copper, heater, colour photograph, heater: 26 x 15 x 11 in. (65 x 38 x 28 cm), photo: 8 x 11 x 5 in. (20 x 28 x 13 cm)

Judy Radul, Object Analysis Spectator Poem (Lectern), 2012, painted copper, lectern, colour photograph, lectern: 47 x 23 x 16 in. (118 x 58 x 39 cm), photo: 8 x 10 x 7 in. (20 x 25 x 18 cm)

Judy Radul, Postmodern Screen, 2012, plexiglass, Screen Magazine (1987), highlighters, 56 x 14 x 17 in. (142 x 36 x 43 cm)

Judy Radul, Silver Screen, 2012, plexiglass, 16 foot theatrical curtain, 88 x 30 x 13 in. (224 x 76 x 33 cm)

Judy Radul, Clients and Workers, 2011, live and pre-recorded video, objects, tape, painted copper and aluminum, dimensions variable

Judy Radul, Midtown Plaza-end of the autopsy, 2011, steel, bronze, LED video projector, string, 54 x 27 x 25 in. (136 x 69 x 62 cm)

Judy Radul, Women and Film, 2011, dichroic and clear acrylic, copy of Wide Angle magazine (vol. 6, no. 3, special issue on Feminism and Film, 1984), seashell, 60 x 8 x 9 in. (152 x 20 x 23 cm)

Judy Radul, The Brain Display, 2010, mirror, wood, 5 stones, plastic book holder, Life magazines, doll, 67 x 40 x 80 in. (170 x 102 x 203 cm)

Judy Radul, World Rehearsal Court, 2009, 7 channel video installation, running time 4 hours; 4 servo-controlled cameras, live camera position playback system, monitors, dolly, track, found and built objects, plexiglass, dimensions variable

Judy Radul, Concrete Objects, 2002–2007, DVD, CCT camera, video mixer, video monitor, plexiglass, the text examples Maurice Merleau-Ponty used to illustrate the chapter “The Thing and the Natural World” in The Phenomenology of Perception (1945), the reading time between examples, 2 hours, 38 minutes looped

Judy Radul, Five Pieces of Relation: Attention to the people in the plaza, Use both hands to respond by ringing, Anxious causality laptop version, Animal Voices on the air, On the verge of appearing live, 2006, 4 CRT studio monitors, 4 DVD players, synchronizer, amplified speaker, 2 headphones, teleprompter, LCD screen, 32 minutes

Judy Radul, Proposal for Ghost Pass Rehearsal Park, 2006, 9 TV monitors, 3 live cameras, audio and DVD playback, 3 distribution amplifiers, video mixer, prerecorded sound, photograph, hollywood stunt dummy, assorted furniture, 8 minutes, 55 seconds

Judy Radul and Geoffrey Farmer, Room 302, 2005, courtroom furnishings and DVD projection, dimensions variable

Judy Radul, Empathy with the Victor, 2001–2003, 3 channel projection, front projection: 16 minutes, 32 seconds, left projection: 12 minutes, 57 seconds, right projection: 41 minutes, 52 seconds