Ashes Withyman – Works

Ashes Withyman, She carries an axe, 2020, butternut wood, fabric collected outdoors, 12 x 18 x 11 in. (31 x 46 x 27 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Folded hands, entranceway, 2019, found wood, previously frozen paint, coloured pencil, 13 x 9 in. (33 x 23 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Altar, River, Compass, Cetus, Musca, Furnas, Cup, 2017–2018, portable speaker, mallet, steel, currency, wood, honey pot with glue, animal calls, bells, plastic leaves, pallia rattle, contact microphone with stomach antacid, plate, bell, painted plywood, 39 x 55 x 12 in. (99 x 138 x 31 cm)

Ashes Withyman, She carries an axe, 2020, butternut wood, fabric collected outdoors, 12 x 18 x 11 in. (31 x 46 x 27 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Folded hands, entranceway, 2019, found wood, previously frozen paint, coloured pencil, 13 x 9 in. (33 x 23 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Altar, River, Compass, Cetus, Musca, Furnas, Cup, 2017–2018, portable speaker, mallet, steel, currency, wood, honey pot with glue, animal calls, bells, plastic leaves, pallia rattle, contact microphone with stomach antacid, plate, bell, painted plywood, 39 x 55 x 12 in. (99 x 138 x 31 cm)

Ashes Withyman, The Ballad of the Custard Monger, 2024, coloured laser photocopies and letterpress on paper, each 17 x 11 in. (43 x 28 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Bearded old man with wings and cloth bag, 2020, honey locust wood, fabric collected outdoors, metal, 43 x 34 x 30 in. (108 x 86 x 76 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Two horse shaped spirits reined in tightly, 2020, poplar wood, fabric collected outdoors, 34 x 32 x 21 in. (85 x 81 x 52 cm)

Ashes Withyman, She carries an axe, 2020, butternut wood, fabric collected outdoors, 12 x 18 x 11 in. (31 x 46 x 27 cm)

Ashes Withyman, River ladder, 2020, found fence slat, branches, copper cup, tin can, rattle handle, 3 x 24 x 4 in. (8 x 61 x 9 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Some kind of doctor receiving thunder, 2020, coloured pencil and graphite on paper, 16 x 13 in. (41 x 33 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Moon man following, eyes moving east, 2020, wood, insulation foam, previously frozen paint, coloured pencil, wood filler, 14 x 13 in. (34 x 32 cm)

Ashes Withyman, One into Saturn, the other Jupiter, 2020, found wood, paint, wood filler, coloured pencil, Russian olive pits, osha root, 12 x 11 in. (31 x 28 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Many arms full of firewood, 2020, rubber, stainless steel, brass, plastic, dimensions variable

Ashes Withyman, Folded hands, entranceway, 2019, found wood, previously frozen paint, coloured pencil, 13 x 9 in. (33 x 23 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Ancestor object cover, 2019, found wood, paint, coloured pencil, push pins, 16 x 10 in. (39 x 25 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Breath marionette, 2019, found wood, previously frozen paint, coloured pencil, fabric, nails, 17 x 11 in. (42 x 28 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Many windows placed upon, placed upon, making mirror, 2019, found wood, found paint, coloured pencil, graphite, wood filler, 15 x 13 in. (37 x 33 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Mountain Toad sitting in the hollow of a rotting tree, 2019, found wood, previously frozen paint, coloured pencil, rubber, 18 x 11 in. (46 x 28 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Stars knocking, pine needles falling, 2019, found wood, found paint, coloured pencil, wood filler, 15 x 13 in. (38 x 32 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Wordless song, 2019, found wood, found paint, coloured pencil, wood filler, coins, 14 x 10 in. (34 x 25 cm)

Ashes Withyman, One who likes shadow dance, 2019, found wood, paint, coloured pencil, wood filler, graphite, 15 x 13 in. (38 x 33 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Formula describing a soul rumbling off through the sky after leaving the body, 2019, found branches, plywood with paint, plastic espresso cup, paper cup, lid, cardboard, push pin, 12 x 25 x 10 in. (31 x 64 x 25 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Iridescent magpie emerging from a plume of vape, 2019, found portion of broom handle, jar lid, stone found in New Mexico, coloured pencil, copper nail, 6 x 23 x 4 in. (14 x 58 x 9 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Seagull feather floating, the smell of hot roof-tar also floating, 2019, branches, plastic, compass box cardboard, grapefruit rind, 4 x 30 x 9 in. (10 x 75 x 23 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Poor Room Receiver, 2019, branches, metal, Portuguese plastic bottle, rubber, wooden box, walnut wood, 10 x 20 x 4 in. (25 x 50 x 10 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Altar, River, Compass, Cetus, Musca, Furnas, Cup, 2017–2018, portable speaker, mallet, steel, currency, wood, honey pot with glue, animal calls, bells, plastic leaves, pallia rattle, contact microphone with stomach antacid, plate, bell, painted plywood, 39 x 55 x 12 in. (99 x 138 x 31 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Cetus, Compass, River, Furnas, Musca, Altar, Cup, 2017–2018, radio, matches, animal call, wood and stone rattle, photocopy, grass, usb flash drive, gold plated tin, sand, ziploc bag with contact microphone, tuning fork, dried grass, bell, painted plywood, 52 x 29 x 9 in. (132 x 74 x 23 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Cetus, River, Furnas, Musca, Compass, Altar, Cup, 2017–2018, plastic bucket, tin, animal call parts, mallet, wood, medical tubing, conch, therapeutic tuning fork, cast: copper, brass and silver crackers, bismuth, wood, brass, bird whistle, found photograph, painted plywood, 44 x 28 x 13 in. (112 x 71 x 33 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Compass, Furnas, Altar, River, Cetus, Musca, Cup, 2017–2018, water jug, sash weight, mallet, bells, brass horn, hunting call parts, drainpipe, chair leg, silver cup, marker, electrical parts, painted plywood, 29 x 25 x 12 in. (72 x 64 x 31 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Furnas, Altar, River, Musca, Compass, Cetus, Cup, 2017–2018, wood, tire, pot top, deer call, whale tooth, river stone, painted steel, microphone, concrete, bones, therapeutic tuning fork, stag call, whistles, homemade fox call, bells, musical instrument parts, painted plywood, 45 x 54 x 9 in. (114 x 137 x 23 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Furnas, Compass, Altar, Musca, River, Cetus, Cup, 2017–2018, tool box, styrofoam cup, mallet, brass horn, bullae, mosquito repelling devices, shoe brush, paper, wood, brass, animal call parts, musical instrument parts, pump, speaker, painted plywood, 34 x 63 x 14 in. (86 x 160 x 34 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Musca, Altar, Cetus, Compass, Furnas, River, Cup, 2017–2018, gong, alka-seltzer, mallet, animal calls, electric toothbrush, bell, painted plywood, 25 x 32 x 9 in. (64 x 81 x 23 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Naturgemälde, 2017, brachiopod, trilobite, zipper clam, styrofoam, 8 x 28 x 48 in. (20 x 72 x 122 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Reminder (Anesidora), 2017, found materials, thread, wood, 12 x 24 x 1 in. (29 x 62 x 3 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Reminder (Cemetery Island), 2017, plastic flowers, thread, wood, 8 x 25 x 3 in. (21 x 62 x 6 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Reminder (East 11th alley), 2017, found materials, thread, wood, 12 x 19 x 1 in. (31 x 47 x 2 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Reminder (Guadalajara), 2017, found materials, thread, wood, 10 x 23 x 1 in. (25 x 58 x 2 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Funeral Vessels, 2014–2017, found objects and unfired clay dredged from the Forth and Clyde canal, Glasgow, 40 x 96 x 23 in. (100 x 243 x 58 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Blanket (yew) from a place, near the buried canal, 2012–2016, found painting, photograph, advertising flyer, tin, door key, coins, nails, handspun wool dyed with yew woven by Anne Low, 30 x 24 in. (75 x 60 cm)

Ashes Withyman, An ever-present hum from A Burning Bag as a Smoke-Grey Lotus, 2015, compacted earth base, concrete tempera backdrop, poultry netting, wood, acrylic paint; A Breathing Apparatus, wood, acrylic paint, bellows, microphone, amplifier, last pair of dentures worn by artist’s grandmother; A Garden Hose, garden hose, animal call; Insect, brass, fabric, string, sponge, reeds; Lunch Horn, brass horn, wood, brass mouthpiece; No one Hears a Ditch Digger (for Murray Schafer), shovel, copper, contact microphone, mallet; Animal call, wood, Indian devotional cassette tape ribbon, wire; Tectonic Sounds, bone, drum sticks, rubber ball, dimensions variable

Ashes Withyman, Anne Naysmith shuffles by from A Burning Bag as a Smoke-Grey Lotus, 2015, cement base, rat poison and acrylic medium backdrop, poultry fencing, wood, acrylic paint; 3 Bells, branches, string, WW1 artillery shells found by artist’s grandfather during WW2; Grocer, wooden crate, guitar strings, wood, amplifier parts, plastic fruit; Elephant Rematerializer, trombone slide, horn bellows, animal call, wood, paint; Transformer (Cedar Hedge), steel, adhesive vinyl, electrical components; Pranayama Device, wood, paint, brick, human; Mallet, wood, steel, tennis ball; A Flame, wood, steel, tennis ball, dimensions variable

Ashes Withyman, I will mention thunder, wind, cascades, rivers, streams, leaves, a horse trotting away, the starts and jumps of a carriage on the pavement, the white solemn breathing of a city at night, all the noises made by feline and domestic animals and all those man’s mouth can make without talking or singing from A Burning Bag as a Smoke-Grey Lotus, 2015, asphalt roofing base, leaf pigment backdrop, garden netting, wood, acrylic paint; Human Instrument, wood, acrylic paint, speaker, microphone; Tongue, wood, amplifier, acrylic paint, stickers, paper, ink, stone; Bull Kelp Rattle, bull kelp, stick, pebbles; Diogenes’ Master, concrete, dog leash, leash anchor, dog whistle; Transformer (Rhododendron), steel, adhesive image, electrical components; Mallet, wood, softball; Insect, bent kazoo, wood, dimensions variable

Ashes Withyman, Winter is icummen in from A Burning Bag as a Smoke-Grey Lotus, 2015, sand and wood base, fish food and acrylic medium backdrop; Cass Creek Waggler, plastic, spray paint, electronic components, speaker, magic sculpt, squirrel tail; Amplifier, wood, fabric, electrical components, speaker, thumb tacks; Vulcan (Esso Drum), engine lubricant vessel, copper, contact microphone, mallet; Animals at a Watering Hole, tobacco tin, animal calls, wood; Diogenes, light fixtures, wood, ultrasonic detectors, bird netting, wood, acrylic paint, dimensions variable

Ashes Withyman, The candles at the candlelight concert are electric from A Burning Bag as a Smoke-Grey Lotus, 2015, carpet base; cuttlefish ink, acrylic medium backdrop; avian netting, wood, acrylic paint; Baritone Tea, tea tin, baritone saxophone mouth piece; A Human Spoon, wooden spoon, french horn mouthpiece; Some Rattles, packaged food, wood, paint; A Suspended Bag, electric fan, silk, dye, bells, thread; Door Anticipator, wood, paint, door stops, contact microphone; 2nd Beach, found painting, wood, sandpaper, installation dimensions variable. Installation view, A Burning Bag as a Smoke-Grey Lotus, Stroom den Haag, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2015

Ashes Withyman, Li Po also died drunk. He tried to embrace a moon in the Yellow River from A Burning Bag as a Smoke-Grey Lotus, 2015, water and marine paint base, used engine oil and acrylic medium backdrop, poultry fencing, wood, acrylic paint; Gemini Flute, found photograph, wooden flutes; Gas Can Instrument, gas can, reeds, animal call; Conch, conch, recorder, plastic sculpt, paint; Horn (Hell), brass horn, rubber, wood, clamp; Nietzsche’s Horse, bellows, animal calls, silver, wood, installation dimensions variable. Installation view, A Burning Bag as a Smoke-Grey Lotus, Stroom den Haag, The Hague, The Netherlands, 2015

Ashes Withyman, Deferred Ceremony, 2014, instruments fabricated from detritus, instrument parts and animal calls, dried flora, fabric, wood, flora, mud and soil on wall, alcohol, plastic flowers, mirror shard, matches, an orange, garlands made from old crisp bags, electric fence, currency, dimensions variable

Ashes Withyman, Dawn Chorus, 2014, wood, clock, rouge, pet food, paint, glass, metal, stickers, stone, canvas, pet food pigment, paper, components of sound composition: guinea pig, tortoise, rat, cat, snake, large mixed breed dog, pug, crickets, parakeet, rabbit, frog, hissing cockroaches, bearded dragon, pigeon, dimensions variable

Ashes Withyman, Entrance Fee from a place, near the buried canal, 2012–2016, 43 pieces of bark with various currency, wood table, 27 x 45 x 136 in. (69 x 114 x 346 cm)
Ashes Withyman, An Ultrasonic Flute, 2013–2014, main structure: wooden framework, painted canvas, map of Alberta with collage, press-on letter-sign, folded metal wheeled carrier, folding steel chair, wax mannequin, pencil crayon drawing of rat, sign (collage and paint on cardboard), burlap sack, piece of linen, home-made smoker, blue ribbon millet, rat bait, rat and mouse traps, rat food, rat pelts, Chinese steel rat cages, book page, pesticide sprayer, leather and wood bellows, string lighting with pie plates, rat food on tin plate, envelope with label, black rat trap, rat poison bottle, rat tail cutter, kraft single cheese box, two ultrasonic deterrents, burrow smoker, 3 ultrasonic devices attached to power bar, cardboard box, wood and metal rat trap, tomato tin rat trap, folding table made from door with plexiglas top; under plexiglas top: magazine clipping, extermination booklet, vintage label, dream almanac, white rat pelt, 5 zip lock food bags with cartoon mouse label, 3 booklets; on table top: rat food in tupperware container with home-made scoop, rat bait in zip lock bags in green tin, circular rat trap, glass bottle with rat and blue liquid, rat food in tupperware with hand carved wooden spoon; plywood display shelf: ziploc bag of mock rat bait, herbal oils in yellow plastic basket, rubber gloves with business cards, 4 tupperware containers of green rice, old rat trap, two home-made traps, box of “The giant destroyer” rat catchers, “Nooski” rat traps, “Green Earth” mouse and rat bait, “Wilsarin” rat bait, “Predator” rat bait, tupperware containers of red rice, viktor rat traps, rat trap boxes, 2 home-made rat traps, “Rodentex” mouse bait; dimensions variable

Ashes Withyman, Shoe Box shrine, 2014, bronze, glass, metal, wood, candle, 12 x 7 x 13 in. (30 x 17 x 33 cm)

Ashes Withyman, WP-PBA-0F, 2014, wood, paint, brass, laminate, aluminum, arborite, 14 x 18 x 9 in. (34 x 45 x 23 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Antique Stone 03, 2013, hand carved antique granite, wood, 21 x 11 x 8 in. (53 x 27 x 20 cm)

Ashes Withyman, E12 e, 2013, plywood, electrical components, paint, 20 x 23 x 18 in. (51 x 57 x 46 cm)

Ashes Withyman, gS-00, 2013, galvanized steel, paint, stickers, AM FM radio, 22 x 17 x 23 in. (55 x 44 x 57 cm)

Ashes Withyman, JUJU Sps-01, 2013, steel, paint through fly swatter stencil, 13 x 18 x 18 in. (33 x 45 x 45 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Old World CS-01 f, 2013, corian, stone, handkerchief, fabric from Turkish market, 13 x 23 x 11 in. (32 x 58 x 28 cm)

Ashes Withyman, W-05e, 2013, expanding installation foam, pressboard, wood trim, nails, paint, light socket with plug, 21 x 16 x 10 in. (53 x 41 x 24 cm)

Ashes Withyman, W-07F, 2013, arbutus branch found in back alley, walnut oil, geranium oil, clary sage oil, ginger oil, 7 x 59 x 13 in. (17 x 150 x 33 cm)

Ashes Withyman, WP-04 sP, 2013, hay, wood, guitar case fabric, paint, twine, 24 x 16 x 8 in. (61 x 41 x 20 cm)

Ashes Withyman, PH 1, They did not live there, Rongrong, Household, Temple, Yard, Unclassified symbol, tallow, Basement dashes, Candle of Fat / Coin of Aspendus, hand lantern (entrance), Therefore there exists for all intersection, Four bells, entrance, 2013, 12 match strike pad drawings on paper mounted on wood panels and 1 blank wood panel, metal rods mounted on wood display, 38 x 73 x 28 in. (97 x 185 x 70 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Reminder (Berlin), 2013, rope, wine cork, beer cap, stone, cap, plastic plant portion, wooden spool, broken token, string, steel hair pin, 2 screws, 15 x 23 x 1 in. (37 x 58 x 3 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Electrical poles from a place, near the buried canal, 2011–2012, wire, steel, wood, glass bottles, dimensions variable

Ashes Withyman, Keys from a place, near the buried canal, 2011–2012, keys, leather, 15 x 3 x 2 in. (37 x 8 x 5 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Pensione from a place, near the buried canal, 2011–2012, carpet, cow bone, candle, stone, fungus, harmonica, pine branch, string, clothes peg, flashlight, tin, matches, paper, window, newspaper, 80 x 106 x 10 in. (203 x 269 x 25 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Section of the Groundskeeper’s old door (for B.K.) from a place, near the buried canal, 2011–2012, wood, linen, tin can, lock with key, hinge, 32 x 32 x 3 in. (81 x 82 x 8 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Signs from a place, near the buried canal, 2011–2012, 50 sign works, wood, steel, rope, stone, paper, acrylic and enamel paint, felt marker, 93 x 166 x 17 in. (236 x 422 x 42 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Tools from a place, near the buried canal, 2011–2012, metal, wood, 65 x 49 x 18 in. (164 x 124 x 46 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Collaboration with a future individual at the present time, 2011–2047, scrap wood-whicker, branches, twigs, straw (yellow), hammer, knife, pliers, flat head screwdriver, handsaw, paint brush, ruler portion, sandpaper, drill bit, rags, jar of screws, nails, bolt, etc., pocket knife, scissors, pencil, eraser, scrap note pad, wrapping paper, cardboard, scrap paper, newspaper clipping, postcard with postage stamp, disposable camera, plaster of paris, $500.00 CAD, super 8 film, water colour kit with 2 brushes, blue pencil crayon, gold acrylic paint , string, clay, vodka, harmonica, matches, candle stub, rose of Jericho, rock, walnut shells, wine cork, empty toilet roll, rags, clay, pushpins, pinecone, wire, rusted steal banding, thread, wool (red), handmade clay bowl, fabric measuring tape, articulated straw, plastic scraper, piece of brick, buttons, apple seeds, clothespin, egg carton (green styrofoam), Artist’s conk (Ganoderma applanatum), letraset sheet, paper water-cup, pipe cleaners (various colours), plastic plant (portion), theatrical make-up (medium blue), steel bracket, rusty metal, sticker dots, safety pin, green oil pastel, white chalk, piece of leather strap, needles and thread, tinfoil and beer-foil, paperclip, bone glue, green wooden game piece, feather, envelope (to be opened in 2046), envelope (to be opened in 2047), grass straws (bundle), 1000 offset posters, stamps, wooden case, glass, dimensions variable

Ashes Withyman, If it’s not here, it’s over there, on its way there or on its way back here, 2010, leather, wood, rock, ink, paper, bolts, screws, chair, dimensions variable

Ashes Withyman, A Most Elastic Road (from Uncertain Pilgrimage), 2009, found wood, found nails, 276 x 44 x 3 in. (701 x 112 x 6 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Crown Compass (from Uncertain Pilgrimage), 2009, globes, balls, paint, scrap material, 103 x 22 x 54 in. (262 x 57 x 137 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Piss Wall (from Uncertain Pilgrimage), 2009, found wood, tile, 73 x 100 x 5 in. (186 x 253 x 13 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Untitled (from Uncertain Pilgrimage), 2009, broken chair, whiskey, paint, wood, ‘Friend in Theatre, Asleep’ lightjet print, 40 x 19 x 18 in. (102 x 47 x 44 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Cache (from Uncertain Pilgrimage), 2006–2009, various objects, cement, 9 x 8 in. (22 x 19 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Judd also planted these trees (from Uncertain Pilgrimage), 2006–2009, nectarine pit, apple seed, Rothko pecan, Judd cone, unidentified seeds and nuts, found wood, 47 x 4 x 3 in. (118 x 9 x 6 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Meanwhile the wooden birds were nailed on the trees in the preserve, and so exactly did they resemble the actual birds that in the dark no one could detect the imposition. The poachers were completely deceived (for Charles Waterton) (from Uncertain Pilgrimage), 2006–2009, scrap wood, nails, screws, 16 x 14 x 16 in. (41 x 36 x 41 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Necklace (from Uncertain Pilgrimage), 2006–2009, string, thread, found wood, nail, various past and present currencies, 9 x 8 x 2 in. (24 x 20 x 6 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Recollection of a path – it is difficult to estimate, by recollection only, the true distances between different points in a road that has been once traveled over. There are many circumstances which may mislead, such as the accidental tedium of one part, or the pleasure of another; but besides these, there is always the fact, that, in a long day’s journey, a person’s faculties of observation are more fresh and active on starting than later in the day, when, from the effect of weariness, even peculiar objects will fail to arrest his attention (from Uncertain Pilgrimage), 2006–2009, Richard Long’s shoes, leather, glue, thread, found map, paint, german bread basket, carpet, wood, string, adapted spoons, men’s pants, jacket sleeve, jacket, men’s trousers, bamboo, 3000 year old irish bogwood, scrap wood, pencil, cigarette and match, saw blade, knife blade, fishing line, thread and needle, 5 euros and 1 greenback (currently), sail, needle, mirror, portion of handkerchief, metal ferul, tin badge, case made from suit sleeve, receipt, wallpaper from abandoned houses, 73 x 101 x 63 in. (184 x 257 x 160 cm)
Ashes Withyman, Untitled (from Uncertain Pilgrimage), 2006–2009, lightjet print, found wood frame, cardboard, 17 x 22 x 2 in. (44 x 55 x 4 cm)

Ashes Withyman, Into the Water (In his Leather Breeches), 2008, fish leather, cotton thread, maple buttons, wooden chair, 28 x 35 x 15 in. (71 x 89 x 38 cm)

Ashes Withyman, The Road Through the Forest by Lyman A. William, 2008, shirt, pants, leather suspenders, shoes, hand-made underwear, hat, stick, 24 photographs, box camera, cigarettes, pillowcase backpack, wool blanket, american currency, seaweed, dried blackberries, steel, raccoon tail, eraser, found painting, glasses, lucky object, button, tobacco, feathers, string, soap, conté drawing, skull, sheet, motel slip, 64 x 44 x 33 in. (163 x 112 x 84 cm)