Ashes Withyman, I will mention thunder, wind, cascades, rivers, streams, leaves, a horse trotting away, the starts and jumps of a carriage on the pavement, the white solemn breathing of a city at night, all the noises made by feline and domestic animals and all those man’s mouth can make without talking or singing from A Burning Bag as a Smoke-Grey Lotus, 2015, asphalt roofing base, leaf pigment backdrop, garden netting, wood, acrylic paint; Human Instrument, wood, acrylic paint, speaker, microphone; Tongue, wood, amplifier, acrylic paint, stickers, paper, ink, stone; Bull Kelp Rattle, bull kelp, stick, pebbles; Diogenes’ Master, concrete, dog leash, leash anchor, dog whistle; Transformer (Rhododendron), steel, adhesive image, electrical components; Mallet, wood, softball; Insect, bent kazoo, wood, dimensions variable