Duane Linklater –

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Duane Linklater, Speculative apparatus 7 for the work of nohkompan, 2016, concrete, stainless steel, flowers, 24 x 16 x 43 in. (61 x 41 x 109 cm)
Duane Linklater, Speculative apparatus 7 for the work of nohkompan (detail), 2016, concrete, stainless steel, flowers, 24 x 16 x 43 in. (61 x 41 x 109 cm)

Duane Linklater, Speculative apparatus 7 for the work of nohkompan, 2016, concrete, stainless steel, flowers, 24 x 16 x 43 in. (61 x 41 x 109 cm)