Ian Wallace –

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Ian Wallace, The Riders of the Parthenon Frieze I & II, 2013, diptych, photolaminate and acrylic on canvas, each 80 x 60 in. (203 x 153 cm)
Ian Wallace, The Riders of the Parthenon Frieze I, 2013, photolaminate and acrylic on canvas, 80 x 60 in. (203 x 153 cm)
Ian Wallace, The Riders of the Parthenon Frieze II, 2013, photolaminate and acrylic on canvas, 80 x 60 in. (203 x 153 cm)

Ian Wallace, The Riders of the Parthenon Frieze I & II, 2013, diptych, photolaminate and acrylic on canvas, each 80 x 60 in. (203 x 153 cm)