Ashes Withyman – Kitchen Midden, ​SEPTEMBER 25, 2016–JANUARY 14, 2017​

Anne Low, Ashes Withyman
Kitchen Midden
September 25, 2016–January 14, 2017

Griffin Art Projects, North Vancouver, Canada

In the kitchen of my dream there was a painting by Goya propped up on a stool next to a pickle jar full of sherbet-coloured bird feathers. The living room was all rugs and abstracts. In the yard sat a 16th century ceramic ashtray of unknown origins.

Kitchen Midden is an exhibition of artworks, artifacts and objects curated by Anne Low and Ashes Withyman from the collections of artists based in Vancouver and its outlying areas, including Derya Akay, Robert Arndt, Kim Kennedy Austin, Eli Bornowsky, Steven Brekelmans and Fiona Curtis, Rebecca Brewer, Derek Brunen, Hank Bull, Tom Burrows, Neil Campbell, Arabella Campbell, Audrey Capel Doray, Dana Claxton, Douglas Coupland, Michael de Courcy, Chris and Sophie Dikeakos, Barry Doupé, Michael Drebert, Gathie Falk, Geoffrey Farmer, Angus Ferguson, Julia Feyrer, Peter Gazendam and Devon Knowles, Jake Gleeson, Arni Haraldsson, Colleen Heslin, Maegan Hill-Carroll, Jeremy Hof and Angela Teng, Julian Hou and Tiziana La Melia, Steve and Meg Hubert, Gareth James, Jack Jeffrey, Hannah Jickling and Helen Reed, Michael Jones, Garry Neill Kennedy and Cathy Busby, Cameron Kerr, Christian Kliegel and Erica Stocking, Khan Lee, Tim Lee, Lyse Lemieux and Al McWilliams, Arvo Leo, Glenn Lewis, Attila Richard Lukacs, Kelly Lycan, Myfanwy MacLeod, Liz Magor, Paul Mathieu, Elizabeth McIntosh and Stephen Murray, Barbara Cole and David MacWilliam, Sandra Meigs, Eric Metcalfe, Michael Morris, Vincent Trasov, Isabelle Pauwels, Gordon Payne, Marian Penner Bancroft and Colin Browne, Elspeth Pratt and Javier Campos, Johan Björck and Laura Piasta, Judy Radul and Michael Turner, Philippe Raphanel, Les Ramsay, Marina Roy, Sylvain Sailly, Nicolas Sassoon, Carol Sawyer and Michael O’Connell, Dan Starling and Heidi Meixner, Althea Thauberger, Mina Totino, Ron Tran, Stephen Waddell, Neil Wedman, Jen Weih, Paul Wong and Elizabeth Zvonar